If you’re not familiar with the concept of a “pin swap”, the general idea is to:
meet/engage with new artists
find new inspiration
test new techniques
trade for a cool piece of art
With the changes Covid-19 brought to the world, the Pandemic Pin Swap became a way to virtually achieve these goals and connect with a new group of artists per round. Not only has the Swap attracted artists from around the US, there have been participants from the UK, Canada, and Belgium as well.
This is a modular, ever evolving project that I hope to continue on a yearly basis. As it stands, 25 artists are invited on a first-come-first-serve basis to submit one pin each, no larger than 3x3 inches, “valued” between $50-$100. All media is encouraged and it does NOT have to be a wearable piece.
Check out our Instagram to keep up with the current round of the pin swap and to apply for future rounds.
Preparations for Round 4 are underway and submissions will open soon…
Round 2 Artists
Caroline Flournoy | Angela K. Sams | Heather S. Nuber | Sofia Calderwood Rachel Breitinger | Chantel Gushue | Selin Safak Ipekci | Corey Drew Marcus Xavier Chormicle | Elizabeth Christianson | Denallie Moore Daniel Baugh | Juan Harnie | Laura deLeon | Arielle Brackett Maria Camera Smith | Leah Bella Zinder | Mikel Lamont | Alice Cueto Heather McLelland | Norma Reyes | Lorena Reyes | Mariah Shelby

Caroline Flournoy

Caroline Flournoy Detail

Caroline Flournoy Back

Angela K. Sams

Angela K. Sams Detail

Angela K. Sams Back

Heather S. Nuber Detail

Heather S. Nuber Back

Heather S. Nuber

Sofia Calderwood

Sofia Calderwood Detail

Sofia Calderwood Back

Rachel Breitinger

Rachel Breitinger Detail

Rachel Breitinger Detail

Chantel Gushue

Chantel Gushue Detail

Chantel Gushue Back

Selin Safak Ipekci

Selin Safak Ipekci Detail

Corey Drew

Corey Drew Back

Marcus Xavier Chormicle

Marcus Xavier Chormicle Detail

Marcus Xavier Chormicle Back

Elizabeth Christianson

Elizabeth Christianson Detail

Elizabeth Christianson Back

Daniel Baugh Back

Daniel Baugh Detail

Daniel Baugh

Juan Harnie

Juan Harnie Back

Laura deLeon

Laura deLeon Detail

Laura deLeon Back

Arielle Brackett

Arielle Brackett Detail

Arielle Brackett Back

Maria Camera-Smith

Maria Camera-Smith Detail

Alice Cueto Back

Alice Cueto

Heather Lee McLelland Back

Heather Lee McLelland

Norma Reyes

Norma Reyes Detail

Norma Reyes Back

Lorena Reyes

Lorena Reyes Detail

Mariah Shelbey

Denallie Moore

Denallie Moore Detail

Denallie Moore Back

Leah Bella Zinder

Leah Bella Zinder Detail
Round 3 Artists
Barbara McFadyen | Mona Marquez | Jolene Castanon | Liz Steiner Kylie Price | Chloe Darke | Jess Sprunger | Alex Morrison | Karen Kriegel Jessica C. Folck | Kaitlyn L. Evans | Carol Clark | Josh Bass | Rivkah Procaccia Amelia Emerson | Rose Schlemmer | Carlie Barrett | Danielle Cadef Teya Heller | Jo Bennett | Clarissa Long | Sorrel Van Allen | Emily Wareham | Steff | Emily Webster | Suzanne Anderson

Alex Morrison Detail

Alex Morrison

Amelia Emerson

Amelia Emerson Detail

Amelia Emerson Back

Barbara McFadyen

Barbara McFadyen Detail

Carlie Barrett

Carlie Barrett Detail

Carlie Barrett Back

Carol Clark

Carol Clark Detail

Carol Clark Back

Chloe Darke

Chloe Darke Detail

Chloe Darke Back

Danielle Cadef

Daniel Cadef Detail

Daniel Cadef Back

Emily Blair

Emily Blair Detail

Emily Blair Back

Emily Webster Back

Emily Webster Detail

Emily Webster

Jessica C. Folck

Jessica C. Folck Back

Karen S. Kriegel

Karen S. Kriegel Detail

Karen S. Kriegel Back

Jessica Sprunger

Jessica Sprunger Detail

Jessica Sprunger Back

Jo Bennet

Jolene Castanon

Alex Morrison On The Body

Amelia Emerson On The Body

Barbara McFadyen On The Body

Carlie Barrett On The Body

Carol Clark On The Body

Chloe Darke On The Body

Clarissa Long On The Body

Danielle Cadef On The Body

Emily Blair On The Body

Emily Webster On The Body

Jessica C. Folck On The Body

Jessica Sprunger On The Body

Joe Bennet On The Body

Jolene Castanon On The Body

Josh Bass On The Body